Wednesday, 31 October 2012

October and we decided to pour a slab in the back part of the kitchen. This will be covered with floor boards milled from the trees that died on the block, the same trees that have provided all the timber used so far.

Meanwhile, back at the shed, work continued on the paving of the carport area.


What!? It's November already?

So, two months to catch up on. Still the weather is slowing progress but it's improving, and I'm thinking all the prep work has been done so soon the build can can go ahead full steam.
Big BIG news for September was the removal of the porta-loo; yeah the one I thought we'd have for a couple of months but two and a half years later we finally bade farewell to the old stink box. Big thanks to whoever it was that covered the hire for all that time.

Bye bye stinky.
So what do we use now?
Behold! A new dunny installed in our new bathroom. Floor by Michelle. 

All made a bit more private now there are a couple of doors.

Meanwhile work on the landscaping continues. With style. Michelle is promising to add photos and details of that so stay tuned.