Friday, 12 July 2013

Put a lid on it!

In no time at all, well, between showers and high winds, Chris the wonder roofer had the iron on.
And I put the first two layers of the front fascia on.

Badly fitting glasses obligatory.

Then comes the battens for under the eaves. Looks wrong but hopefully it'll work.

More fun and games! Building permit calls for 6mm cement sheet, so thats what it gets. Seems easy enough, but try working out the angles on the sides of those wedge shape pieces. fitting straight lines into compound curves is not easy. It took a day and a half of thinking and calculating and a bit of trial and error before we got it sussed.

This is after about two hours...

...and by the time our arms couldn't lift any more we'd come about a third of the way around.
Meanwhile the last of the aluminium strips for the window frames were drying

and the slow job of fitting the glass continued.

Interior ceiling framing is a rainy day job.


  1. Wow! The house is really coming along. It looks great!

  2. Well done you guys!
    So glad you got the lid on and the windows in before the last two days!
    Plenty of time to get that ceiling framing done this weekend! ;-)
    Man what a proper wet winters weekend its going to be!
    Keep smiling!

  3. Wow!! Your bricks and hard work are becoming a house! I am mighty impressed. I hope you're enjoying the experience, I'm enjoying observing xxxx
