Friday, 17 April 2015

A major push

During February and March we took a break and spent some time in Europe, but on our return we only had a few weeks to get the place ready for it's final inspection, before the building permit ran out. After a string of late nights I figured I'd done and enough and luckily the building inspector thought so too. So we now have an official house that we can legally live in. Hoorah!

A view I've used several times but it's changed yet again with a ceiling. Now that was a hard job getting that up there; a job I'd hoped to avoid by being on the other side of the planet, but no, it was waiting for me when I got home.

The kitchen taking shape. The wood stove is all plumbed in and will heat the house, and the water, and cook our food.

Here's a close up of the bench made from granite pavers.

And the bathroom floor finally finished.

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